Transfer Credit

Transfer credit may be granted when a course from another accredited post-secondary institution is equivalent to a course in the Daniels Faculty or the Faculty of Arts & Science. 

Transfer credits are not guaranteed and transfer students must take all required courses for which they are not awarded transfer credits. Transfer credit assessments are only completed after admission. 

Transfer Explorer is the University of Toronto’s transfer planning tool. Check the eligibility of course credits taken at other post-secondary institutions, or other University of Toronto divisions, for transfer to or within the University of Toronto.  

Secondary School

If you are admitted to the Daniels Faculty from one of the secondary school curricula listed below, you may be eligible to receive transfer credits for certain courses. You do not have to apply for transfer credit. After U of T receives your official final results, your secondary school courses will be assessed for transfer credit and you will be awarded eligible credits. 

Program Requirements

Secondary school transfer credits count towards the total number of credits required for your degree and appear on your academic record. However, the grade you received in the course is not shown on your academic record and is not used in the calculation of your Grade Point Average (GPA). In some cases, the transfer credit may be used toward program requirements. 

Visit the links below to see if your transfer credits meet program requirements:

Understanding Your Transfer Credits 

Your transfer credit assessment will have different notifications and important sections. Read the Transfer Credit Assessment Guide to understand what the notifications in your transfer credit assessment mean. 

Forfeiting Secondary School Transfer Credits

In some cases, you may not wish to keep the transfer credits you received from your secondary school studies. Students who choose to decline or forfeit the transfer credits must submit the Request to Forfeit Transfer Credits form to the Office of the Registrar and Student Services. Any student considering forfeiting one or more credits is strongly encouraged to consult an Academic Advisor beforehand. 

There is no limit on the number of transfer credits that can be forfeited. You can choose to forfeit some or all of your transfer credits. However, if you wish to forfeit credits for a secondary school course, you have to forfeit all of the credits for that course. You cannot forfeit partial credits for one particular course.

If you forfeit a transfer credit, it will be removed from your academic record and will not count towards your Breadth Requirements or Program Requirements. Once a credit has been forfeited it cannot be reinstated.

Internal University of Toronto Transfer Students

The Daniels Faculty accepts transfer students from other faculties and divisions within the University of Toronto. There is one admission round each year for Fall entry. For information about applying to transfer to the Daniels faculty, visit our Future Students section.

Transfer credit information for courses at FAS, UTM, and UTSC

If you are admitted to the Daniels Faculty from FAS, UTM, or UTSC, a maximum of ten FCE from your previous division will be retained and applied toward your academic record at Daniels. The marks you received in these retained courses will contribute to cumulative grade point average (CGPA) calculations. You do not have to apply or pay for a transfer credit assessment for any courses on your FAS, UTM, or UTSC academic record.

Any courses declared credit/no credit (CR/NCR) or any course in from which a student has Late Withdrawn (LWD) in FAS, UTM, and UTSC will count toward the maximum allowable CR/NCR and LWD options in the Daniels Faculty.

Transfer students from the Faculty of Arts & Science may retain their FAS program(s) of study but must complete at least ten FCE from Daniels after they have been admitted, and complete at least one Daniels program of study in Architectural Studies or Visual Studies. 

Transfer students from UTM and UTSC may not retain their UTM or UTSC programs of study (subject POSts) upon admission to the Daniels Faculty. Only Daniels and FAS programs of study may be used to complete the Daniels Faculty degree requirements; Daniels students must complete at least ten FCE from Daniels after they have been admitted, and must complete at least one Daniels program of study in Architecture (for the Honours Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Studies) or Visual Studies (for the Honours Bachelor of Arts, Visual Studies). Detailed information about appropriate combinations of programs of study for each of these degree programs is found on our programs of study page

Courses Taken at Other U of T Undergraduate Divisions

If you are admitted to the Daniels Faculty from an undergraduate division at U of T other than FAS, UTM, or UTSC, you may be eligible for transfer credit for courses in which your final mark is 50% or higher. In addition, any Daniels courses that you completed in your previous division will be retained with their associated marks and applied toward your Daniels academic record.

Transfer students from other U of T divisions must complete at least ten FCE from Daniels after they have been admitted, and complete at least one Daniels program of study in Architectural Studies or Visual Studies. Detailed information about appropriate combinations of programs of study is found on our programs of study page.

Is it mandatory for me to apply for a transfer credit assessment?

Yes. Applying for a transfer credit assessment is mandatory if you are eligible to receive transfer credits. To check eligibility, please review your offer of admission in your JOIN U of T portal. If you are eligible for transfer credit and do not apply for a transfer credit assessment, you will be unable to register in the Daniels Faculty after your first Fall/Winter session.

Can I refuse transfer credits?

No. Transfer credits awarded from previous post-secondary studies cannot be refused. Applying for and accepting your transfer credits is mandatory if you are eligible.

Canadian and International Universities

You apply for transfer credit after being admitted to the Daniels Faculty. Check your offer of admission in your JOIN U of T portal for more information about applying for transfer credit. Make sure to submit your application before the deadline specified. 

Eligibility for students who completed courses at another university:

If you are admitted to the Daniels Faculty from another Canadian or international university, you may be eligible to receive transfer credit for courses in which your final mark is one full grade higher than the minimum passing grade. For example, if the passing mark in courses at your institution is 50%, you will need a final mark of 60% or higher for courses to be eligible for transfer credit.

Eligibility for students who completed a degree at another university:

If you are admitted to Daniels to pursue a second undergraduate degree, you are eligible for a maximum of 5.0 transfer credits (4.0 credits at the 100-level and 1.0 credit at the 200-level) for previously completed courses in which your final grade is 60% or higher, provided that the passing mark in these courses is 50%.

Is it mandatory for me to apply for a transfer credit assessment?
Yes. Applying for a transfer credit assessment is mandatory if you are eligible to receive transfer credits. To check eligibility, please review your offer of admission in your JOIN U of T portal. If you are eligible for transfer credit and do not apply for a transfer credit assessment, you will be unable to register in the Daniels Faculty after your first Fall/Winter session.

Can I refuse transfer credits?

No. Transfer credit awarded for previous post-secondary studies cannot be refused. Applying for and accepting your transfer credit is mandatory if you are eligible.

Canadian College Graduates/Students

If you are admitted to the Daniels Faculty from an accredited college in Canada, you may be eligible to receive transfer credits. Daniels does not offer prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR).

If you have questions about the transfer credit process or need help with your transfer credit assessment, contact

Eligibility for students from colleges in Ontario

The maximum number of transfer credits you are eligible for is based on what type of college credential you completed. Read about breadth requirements to learn more about eligibility.

Courses completed at an Ontario college will be considered for unspecified transfer credits only. This means that any transfer credits awarded will not count towards your program of study. Detailed course outlines or syllabi are not generally required for Ontario college applicants. If outlines or syllabi are required, you will be notified in your transfer credit assessment letter.

NOTE: Students who have completed a three-year Architectural Technology program in general receive a maximum of 2.0 FCE in transfer credit. Many of the courses completed are not eligible for transfer credit because they are not equivalent to courses offered in the curriculum of the Honours Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Studies.

Eligibility for students from colleges in other Canadian provinces:

Courses completed at colleges in other provinces will be considered for transfer credits based on the practices observed by the universities in that province. Final equivalencies of any courses eligible for transfer credit will still need to be determined by the Daniels Faculty 

Your college transfer credits do not have any grades/marks associated with them. Your grade from your college course is used only to determine whether you are eligible for transfer credit. Your transfer credits therefore do not contribute to your grade point average (GPA) calculations.  

How to Apply: You apply for transfer credit after being admitted to the Daniels Faculty. Check your offer of admission in your JOIN U of T portal for more information about applying for transfer credit. Make sure to submit your application before the deadline specified. 

Is it mandatory for me to apply for a transfer credit assessment?
Yes. Applying for a transfer credit assessment is mandatory if you are eligible to receive transfer credits. If you are eligible, you will see instructions on how to apply for transfer credit in your JOIN U of T portal. If you are eligible and do not apply for a transfer credit assessment or do not provide all the required documents to finalize your transfer credit assessment, you will be unable to register in the Daniels Faculty after your first Fall/Winter session.

Can I refuse transfer credits?

No. Transfer credit awarded for previous post-secondary studies cannot be refused. Applying for and accepting your transfer credit is mandatory if you are eligible.

CEGEP (Students from Quebec)

Maximum Transfer Credit for CEGEP Students

If you are admitted to Daniels from the CEGEP system, you may be eligible to receive a maximum of 5.0 transfer credits for CEGEP credits that you completed with a final grade of 65% or higher.

The maximum number of transfer credits you are eligible for is based on how many CEGEP academic credits you completed.

CEGEP Credits Completed

Maximum Number of Transfer Credits Awarded

Fewer than 14 academic credits

No credit

Between 14 and 21 academic credits

Up to 3.0 credits at the 100-level

More than 21 academic credits

Up to 5.0 credits at the 100-level

Note: 109 courses are not considered for academic credits. 

Check Transfer Explorer to see what CEGEP courses have been previously assessed for transfer credit by Daniels and the Faculty of Arts & Science. Transfer Explorer is intended for reference only, and your transfer credit assessment results may differ from what you see on Transfer Explorer. 

Is it mandatory for me to apply for a transfer credit assessment?
Yes. Applying for a transfer credit assessment is mandatory if you are eligible to receive transfer credits. To check eligibility, please review your offer of admission in your JOIN U of T portal. If you are eligible for transfer credit and do not apply for a transfer credit assessment, you will be unable to register in the Daniels Faculty after your first Fall/Winter session.