Design Build Studio: Camp New Circadia

ARC395H1 F
Instructor: Richard Sommer
Meeting Section: L0102
Summer 2022
June 6 - June 20

This design - build studio is dedicated to developing the ‘beta’ architecture for Camp New Circadia (CampNC ) – a traveling, mobile variation on New Circadia: Adventures in Mental Spelunking, mounted in the Daniels Faculty Gallery in 2019/20.

See: (

The studio will create tents, light shelters and other “soft tools” to facilitate a changing landscape and program of shared and individual dwelling . Along with the instructor, Team New Circadia’s affiliated designers, craftspeople and event conductors (including a few Daniels Grad students) will help lead and advise the DB studio.

Camp New Circadia’s goal is to create a traveling (ultimately multi - year) programme of time - shaping architecture and events to engage diverse communities within overlapping indigenous and colonial geographies in collective rest, idling and democratic dream - sharing.

This studio will organized in two main parts:

  1. DESIGN/FABRICATION IN THE CITY: Roughly the first ten - days will be spent at Daniels, dedicated to designing and crafting the ensemble of prototypes for the ‘camp,’ including a matrix/field of personal shelters, a shared tent, entry/gate, and related surfaces for projections, etc.
  2. DREAM PARLIAMENT IN THE FOREST: In the last, long - weekend of the course, we will take a short trip to Haliburton Forest / Wildlife Preserve , where we will stage a ‘beta’ CampNC in the outdoors, and conduct a collective Dream Parliament , led by Matthew Spellberg and the CampNC team. Overnight lodging and provisions will be provided .