Design Build Studio: Prince Edward County Beach Gatehouse

ARC395H1 S
Instructor: Zachary Mollica
Meeting Section: L0101
Summer 2022
July 18 - July 29

In this intensive 2 week studio, we will be working closely with the community of Wellington to create a civic project that will be incorporated into the streetscape of the town. The studio will be broken up into two phases:

  1. DESIGN WEEK / TORONTO The team of students will break up into groups to design 2 to 3 schemes. By the end of the design phase, a final design will be determined and drawings completed to begin construction.
  2. BUILD WEEK / PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY The team of students will break out into groups to tackle specific construction tasks, contributing to a single cohesive project. The aim will be to construct the design generated at the beginning of the seminar.

Students will utilize standardized, locally available materials that are easy to source, pickup/deliver, and assemble. This could include materials such as SPF lumber, concrete, steel, and plywood. We would also like to incorporate found and reclaimed materials if applicable to the design. Your instructor has expertise in construction and will be acting as the team leader and supervisor to ensure proper tool training, safety, and quality of work.