Daniels Faculty Fall 2020 Lectures and Talks
The Daniels Faculty at the University of Toronto is excited to announce our Fall 2020 Talks & Lectures schedule featuring speakers and themes that simultaneously address the urgency of our contemporary challenges, and the opportunities of our diverse programs — architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, visual studies, and forestry.
The Fall 2020 Talks, a series of thematic discussions titled Resolutions and Agencies, explore design’s capacity to respond to activism, resilience, decolonization, density, narrative, and justice, among other topics.
Lectures provide an in-depth view on a topic by one speaker, while talks allow for thematic discussion with a diverse group of featured speakers. All programs are free, online, and open to the public.
Find more details and register in advance at daniels.utoronto.ca/events.
Fall 2020 Talks: Resolutions and Agencies
September 16, 4pm
Takes Action - Session I
Chris Roach (California College of the Arts)
Azadeh Zaferani (The Bartlett)
Lindsay Harkema (City College of New York)
Kees Lokman (University of British Columbia)
Moderated by Neeraj Bhatia (California College of the Arts) and Mason White (Daniels Faculty)
Hosted by California College of the Arts and the Daniels Faculty
September 24, 6:30pm
Strange Primitivism and Other Things
Tei Carpenter (Daniels Faculty)
Adrian Phiffer (Daniels Faculty)
Moderated by Hans Ibelings (Daniels Faculty)
October 1, 6:30pm
The Great Indoors: Environmental Quality, Health and Wellbeing in a Quarantining Society
Kellie Chin (Workshop Architecture)
Simon Coulombe (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Steven Lockley (Brigham and Women’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School)
Alejandra Menchaca (Thornton Tomasetti)
Lidia Morawska (Queensland University of Technology)
Manuel Riemer (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Moderated by Bomani Khemet (Daniels Faculty) and Alstan Jakubiec (Daniels Faculty)
October 7, 4:00pm
Takes Action - Session II
Lori Brown (Syracuse University)
Samaa Elimam (Harvard University)
Cesar Lopez (University of New Mexico)
Albert Pope (Rice University)
Moderated by Neeraj Bhatia (California College of the Arts) and Mason White (Daniels Faculty)
Hosted by California College of the Arts and Daniels Faculty
October 15, 6:30 pm
Distancing Density
Daniel D’Oca (Harvard University)
Jay Pitter (Author & Placemaker)
Moderated by Fadi Masoud (Daniels Faculty) and Michael Piper (Daniels Faculty)
October 22, 5:00pm
Future Forests: Renaturalizing Urban and Peri Urban Landscapes for People, Biodiversity and Resilience
Simone Borelli (Forestry Division, United Nations)
Liz O’Brien (Forest Research, UK Government)
Fabiano Lemes de Oliveira (Politecnico di Milano)
Jana VanderGoot (University of Maryland)
Moderated by Danijela Puric-Mladenovic (Daniels Faculty)
November 5, 6:30pm
The Architect and the Public: On George Baird's Contribution to Architecture
Andrew Choptiany (Carmody Groarke)
Roberto Damiani (Daniels Faculty)
Hans Ibelings (Daniels Faculty)
Michael Piper (Daniels Faculty)
Brigitte Shim (Daniels Faculty)
Richard Sommer (Daniels Faculty)
November 11, 4:00pm
Takes Action - Session III
Jill Desimini (Harvard University)
Ersela Kripa & Stephen Mueller (Texas Tech University)
David Moon (Columbia University)
Lucía Jalón Oyarzun (Escuela SUR)
Moderated by Neeraj Bhatia (California College of the Arts) and Mason White (Daniels Faculty)
Hosted by California College of the Arts and Daniels Faculty
November 12, 5:30 pm
For Her Record: Notes on the Work of Blanche Lemco van Ginkel
Phyllis Lambert (Canadian Centre for Architecture)
Mary McLeod (Columbia University)
Ipek Mehmetoglu (McGill University)
Moderated by Brigitte Shim (Daniels Faculty)
November 19, 12:30pm
Architecture in Dialogue: 14th cycle of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Aziza Chaouni (Daniels Faculty)
Farrokh Derakhshani (Aga Khan Award for Architecture)
Andres Lepik (Architekturmuseum München)
Nondita Correa Mehrotra (RMA Architects)
Moderated by Brigitte Shim (Daniels Faculty)

Fall 2020 Lectures
September 22, 5:30pm
Chris Lee (Pratt Institute)
MVS Proseminar
October 5, 12:00pm
Sheila Boudreau (Spruce Lab)
October 16, 1:00pm
Elisa Silva (Enlace Arquitectura)
October 19, 12:00pm
Aisling O'Carroll (The Bartlett)
October 27, 12:00pm
Arthur Adeya (Kounkuey Design Initiative)
October 30, 1:00pm
Kelly Doran (MASS Design Group)
Jeffrey Cook Memorial Lecture
November 6, 1:00pm
Jason Nguyen (Daniels Faculty)
November 9, 1:00pm
Luis Callejas (LCLA Office)
November 16, 1:00pm
Sergio Lopez-Pineiro (Harvard University)
November 20, 1:00pm
Gilles Saucier (Saucier + Perrotte)
November 23, 12:00pm
Teresa Galí-Izard (ETH)
Michael Hough/Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Visiting Critic
November 25, 1:00pm
Jia Gu (Spinagu / M&A)
November 27, 1:00pm
Elise Hunchuck (Royal College of Art & The Bartlett)
We are pleased to announce Douglas Cardinal OC, FRAIC, as the 2020-21 Frank Gehry International Visiting Chair in Architectural Design (details forthcoming).