Francisco Fernando Granados
Zoom (see details below)
MVS 2012
Assistant Professor, TIS
Faculty of Art, OCAD University
Image: Francisco-Fernando Granados. spatial profiling... 2017. Performance, site-specific drawing at Ramapo College, NJ. Photograph: Robert Modafferi
Francisco-Fernando Granados is a Toronto-based artist and writer. His practice extends from performance and drawing into a range of media that includes site-specific installation, moving image, text, public and participatory projects. He draws from refugee and queer experiences by using conceptual approaches and abstraction as strategies to structure the work. These strategies challenge perceptions regarding the stability of identity categories, while searching for moments of agency within narratives of struggle. Through these moments, the work seeks to articulate configurations of desire rather than expressions of need.
He has presented work in galleries, museums, theatres, artist-run centres and non-traditional sites since 2005. These venues include the Art Gallery of Ontario, Mercer Union, Art Gallery of York University, Gallery TPW, Trinity Square Video, Images Festival, NuitBlanche, Bunker 2 (Toronto), The Robert McLaughlin Gallery (Oshawa), Art Gallery of Peterborough, Vancouver Art Gallery, MAI - Montreal, arts interculturels, Darling Foundry (Montreal), the Robert McLaughlin Gallery (Oshawa), MacLaren Art Centre (Barrie), Queens University (Kingston), Neutral Ground (Regina), Third Space (St. John) Hessel Museum of Art (NY), Berrie Center for Performing and Visual Arts at Ramapo College (NJ), Defibrillator Gallery (Chicago), Voices Breaking Boundaries (Houston) Ex Teresa Arte Actual (Mexico City), Kulturhuset (Stockholm), and Theatre Academy at the University of the Arts (Helsinki).
Awards and honours include Emerging Artist Grants from the Toronto and Ontario Arts Councils, a Projects to Visual Artists grant from the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Governor General’s Silver Medal for academic achievement upon graduating from Emily Carr University in 2010. He completed a Masters of Visual Studies at the University of Toronto in 2012 and currently works as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Art at OCAD University.
About the What's Next Speaker Series
AVSSU, GALDSU and FGSA are excited to bring to you What’s Next, an alumni speaker series. Speakers will be presenting their work and career paths since graduating from the different programs at Daniels.
You will hear about the various industries and areas of work, skills you can transfer from university to the workplace, networking and more!
The lecture will start with a short presentation by the guest, followed by a moderated discussion with student(s), and ending with an open Q&A with the audience.
For the fall of 2020, we have an exciting line-up of speakers from the PhD in Forestry, MVS, MLA, and M.Arch, so be sure to mark the dates in your calendars. If you are unable to attend, please send in any questions you may have, and we will be sure to ask them for you. The talks will be recorded and can be found on Youtube. If you are a student and are interested in moderating a discussion, please reach out to your respective student union representative (see below).
AVSSU - Randa Omar
GALDSU - Juliette Cook
FGSA - Nicole Tratnik
What's Next Graphic Credit: Randa Omar
Zoom Information
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Topic: What's Next Speaker Series: Francisco-Fernando Granados
Time: Oct 21, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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