"Island, desert, mountain, forest" Luis Callejas



The forest, the island, the mountain and the desert are engaged as non site specific spatial metaphors informing architecture. The abstracted idea of landscape as model in these drawings and projects challenges the myth of site specificity in landscape and architecture. 

Kellie Chin

Luis Callejas is founder of LCLA office, an Oslo based architecture and landscape architecture practice operated together with Swedish architect Charlotte Hansson.  

Callejas is full professor at the Oslo School of Architecture in Norway. Previously he taught architecture and landscape architecture at Harvard GSD from 2011 to 2016. Other visiting positions include Yale, University of Toronto and University of Edinburgh. 

Completed buildings and landscapes include the aquatic center for the IX South American games in Medellin, and the renovation of the main stadium in Bogota. Ongoing projects include the landscape for the renovation of the former US embassy in Oslo designed by Eero Saarinen. 

Awards include the 2013 Architectural League of NY award for young architects, placing as a top three finalist in the Rolex mentor and protege initiative curated by David Chipperfield, and selection as 2018 Patrick Geddes fellow at the University of Edinburgh. The aquatic centre was nominated to the Mies Crown Hall Americas prize. 

LCLA’s work has been widely published and equally recognized in Architecture and landscape architecture media. They exhibited recently at the first Chicago architecture biennal, the Oslo architecture triennial, the Lisbon Triennale, Seoul biennale and Venice architecture biennale. 

Callejas is the author of Pamphlet Architecture 33 “Islands and Atolls” (Princeton architecture press, 2013)