Drew Adams
BES (planning), MArch (2011), OAA, RAIC
Drew Adams (M.Arch 2011) is a designer with a background spanning architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. He is an Associate at LGA Architectural Partners in Toronto with nearly 10 years experience leading innovative and high-profile public interest design projects. This includes affordable housing projects like Eva’s Phoenix to the Evergreen Brick Works carbon neutral Kiln Building while his own speculative work has been distinguished in numerous international design competitions. This work has received recognition ranging from the Mies Crown Hall America’s Prize nomination to material innovation awards and publication features ranging from Fast Company to Architectural Record. Drew recently co-authored a series for Azure on design and climate change, is a frequent speaker and guest critic, and occasional adjunct professor. He received the Irving Grossman Prize in 2011 for his final thesis on innovative and sustainable housing design. In 2020, Drew was named recipient of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s Emerging Architect Award.
About the What's Next Speaker Series
AVSSU, GALDSU and FGSA are excited to bring to you What’s Next, an alumni speaker series. Speakers will be presenting their work and career paths since graduating from the different programs at Daniels.
You will hear about the various industries and areas of work, skills you can transfer from university to the workplace, networking and more!
The lecture will start with a short presentation by the guest, followed by a moderated discussion with student(s), and ending with an open Q&A with the audience.
If you are unable to attend, please send in any questions you may have, and we will be sure to ask them for you. The talks will be recorded and can be found on Youtube. If you are a student and are interested in moderating a discussion, please reach out to your respective student union representative (see below).
AVSSU - Randa Omar
GALDSU - Juliette Cook
FGSA - Nicole Tratnik
What's Next Graphic Credit: Randa Omar