Master of Visual Studies Proseminar Series - Cassandra Cassandra

John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design
1 Spadina Crescent
DA170 (Main Hall)
Toronto, ON M5S 2J5

Cassandra Cassandra was founded by Elsa Delage and Christian Siroyt in 2018. A not-for-profit gallery in Toronto with a focus on creating a dialogue between Canadian and international artists, Cassandra Cassandra’s curatorial impetus is to connect local artistic scenes with those farther afield and abroad. The gallery’s programming embraces decolonial thinking and practices, themes of transformation, and undercurrents of the fantastic. 

For the MVS Proseminar, Cassandra Cassandra will discuss past exhibitions and offer insight into forthcoming projects as the gallery engages new formats for programming and events. 

Cassandra Cassandra is the second guest in the 2021-22 Master of Visual Studies (MVS) Proseminar. This year’s series is led and programmed by Maria Hupfield and Jason Lujan.

Please note: Limited capacity, only 30 tickets available.

*Daniels current Masters of Visual Studies students do not need to register; all other students, faculty, staff and guests can register on a first-come. first-serve basis.

Register here

About the artists

Elsa Delage is an art historian and independent curator. She received an MFA in Art History and Curatorial Studies from Paris-Sorbonne University. She assisted several curators at Palais de Tokyo and the Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris. She co-founded the international curatorial collective Heiwata in 2015 and moved to Toronto the following year. She is currently Associate Director at Cooper Cole, Toronto. 

Christian Siroyt is an artist, writer, and independent curator. He received a BA in Literary Studies and Cinema Studies from the University of Toronto, and an MFA in Criticism and Curatorial Practice from OCADU. He has worked as Curator at Museum Strathroy-Caradoc, and as Senior Research Assistant at Wapatah: Centre for Indigenous Visual Knowledge at OCADU. 

Image credit: Safouane Ben Slama, La Dernière Heure(left), and Samar Hejazi, Reifications (right), as exhibited in And yet it rises, 2021. Image courtesy Cassandra Cassandra