2022 Undergraduate Academic Orientation
Welcome to the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design (Daniels). We are very pleased that you will be joining us in September 2022!
As a new student, we know that there is a lot of new information to learn, so we have put together a handbook and a series of daily virtual presentations to help you transition to university life. These presentations will help prepare you to understand degree and program requirements, learn about steps in course enrolment, learn about fees and finances, and find out about the resources and opportunities for your new academic journey.
Please see the Academic Orientation Agenda.
Click here for the 2022-2023 New Student Handbook.
Please click on the headings below to access the video presentations for each topic. The Handbook and presentations will prepare you for your course registration on July 21, 2022.
The Basics: What you need to know about your first year.
Financial Fundamentals: Funding.
Additional Information for Transfer Students.
Student Life Overview: Start Strong Finish Strong.
Helpful Notes:
• Enroll in courses for both the Fall AND Winter starting on July 21st
• Before adding courses, carefully check that there is space, it fits your timetable, and that you have the prerequisites.
• Pre-enrolled into required courses: In your 1st year you are pre-enrolled in all of your first year required courses. You are enrolled in specific sections so that your core courses do not conflict. You may make adjustments to these core courses, and you are responsible for ensuring that your schedule is conflict-free and that you have all the LEC/PRA/TUT sections required.
• ACORN Enrollment Cart: You are able to add your courses into your enrollment cart prior to your start time, however remember that you still have to click the 'Enroll' button on July 21 to officially add each course, if space is available. That is, students will not be enrolled in courses from the cart automatically.
• Conflict-free timetable: Students are responsible for ensuring that they have enrolled themselves into a conflict-free timetable. ACORN does not prevent you from enrolling in conflicting courses.
• Degree Explorer Tool: You can track your degree program status on Degree Explorer. Once you have added your courses on ACORN, check Degree Explorer.
• Academic Calendar: The 2022-2023 Academic Calendar is available to review program and degree requirements. Students should follow their requirements from the year they began their degree and the year they began their program.
• Course Delivery: Unless indicated otherwise, Daniels courses will be held in person on campus at set times as scheduled in the timetable
• Tuition Fees and Fees Payment: Information will be communicated to you by email later in July.
• Enrollment Indicators: Many courses have enrollment indicators and controls. If you get an 'Enrollment Blocked' message when you try to add a course to your enrollment cart on ACORN, it most likely means that you do not meet the enrollment control to add the course on your start date. Please check the Timetable listings for any enrollment conditions on your courses.
• Pre-requisites: Check carefully. Students should refer to the Academic Calendar for the most up-to-date information on pre-requisites. Students who enroll in courses without the proper pre-requisite will be removed.