Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration
Main Hall, Daniels Building
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Join the editors and authors of Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration to mark and celebrate the launch of this collection of articles in three open-access online journals: ABE Journal-Architecture beyond Europe, Canadian Centre for Architecture/CCA and Aggregate. Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration takes migration as a fundamental source of knowledge of the built environment, situating it as the central concept, historical event and method behind a set of feminist narratives of constructed environments and spatial and material practices. The initiators and editors of the project, members of the publishing teams, and some of its authors will discuss co-creating the project and the prospects it offers, celebrating collaborations.

Rachel Lee (in person)
Based at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, Rachel Lee has largely focused her work on understanding how migration intersects with the built environment. Her most recent work on exile will be published in the coming months in the co-edited volume Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices (Intellect, 2023). As a Mellon Fellow with the Canadian Centre for Architecture’s Centring Africa project, she is studying Lippsmeier+Partner’s contribution to social infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa.

Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi (in person)
Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi is an assistant professor at Barnard College, Columbia University. She is the author of the forthcoming book Architecture of Migration: The Dadaab Refugee Camps and Humanitarian Settlement (Duke University Press, 2023), about the history, epistemologies, spatial politics and visual rhetoric of the UNHCR-administered camps in northeastern Kenya. She is also completing a book on heritage politics and critical heritage practices in Sri Lanka based on the work of Minnette de Silva, one of the first women in the world to establish an architectural practice as sole principal.

Juan Du (in person)
Juan Du is Professor and Dean at the University of Toronto’s John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, and has previously taught at the University of Hong Kong and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Through research and design projects, she collaborates regularly with community stakeholders to understand and improve the urban and architectural qualities of housing conditions and informal communities. A recognized expert on China’s rapid urbanization, she is the author of the award-winning book The Shenzhen Experiment: The Story of China’s Instant City (Harvard University Press, 2020) and has been featured by media worldwide.

Alexandra Pereira-Edwards (in person)
Alexandra Pereira-Edwards is a designer, writer and researcher currently based in Montreal, where she works as an editor at the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Having worked variously in publishing and product design, Pereira-Edwards holds a Master of Architecture degree from Carleton University and has published her work and writings internationally.

Armaghan Ziaee (online)
Armaghan Ziaee is an assistant professor at California State University San Marcos. She is an interdisciplinary architecture historian and women’s and gender studies scholar. Her work centres on transnational and decolonial studies and the history of gender and space, particularly in the Middle East. Her projects expand narratives of marginalized and disenfranchised groups that have been systematically excluded in grand narratives.

Pamela Karimi (online)
Pamela Karimi is professor of history of art and architecture at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth. She is the author of Domesticity and Consumer Culture in Iran (Routledge, 2013) and Alternative Iran: Contemporary Art & Critical Spatial Practice (Stanford, 2022). She is the co-editor of several volumes, including The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in the Middle East: From Napoleon to ISIS. Co-founder of Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative, Karimi currently serves on the boards of Thresholds Journal and the Association of Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran and Turkey.

Meredeth TenHoor (online)
Meredith TenHoor is Professor at Pratt Institute’s School of Architecture, where she is academic coordinator of architectural history and theory and editor of the Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative’s online journal. Her research examines how architecture, urbanism and landscape design participate in the distribution of resources; current projects include an edited volume on the history of toxic materials in architecture and a book on the French architect Nicole Sonolet.