Architecture’s 21st-Century Promise: Spatial Justice Practices, featuring Dana Cuff
Main Hall, Daniels Building
The author a recent book on the subject, Dana Cuff will draw on work from her own practice at cityLAB-UCLA and from architects’ works around the world to discuss how practicing architecture can advance spatial and environmental justice. Her intention: to demonstrate that design requires contemporary thinking about how to build the world we want to live in.

Dr. Cuff is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of California Los Angeles, where she also directs that school's cityLAB. A prolific writer on the subject of design and inclusion, she is the author, most recently, of the 2023 book Architectures of Spatial Justice (MIT Press). Her cityLAB research has also formed the basis for multiple California housing laws, making her one of the most impactful academics in the U.S.