Feminism and Architectural History

ARC451H1 S
Instructor: Ipek Mehmetoglu
Meeting Section: L0101
Winter 2023

This seminar aims to expand our understanding of gender and sexuality in the context of architectural profession, history, culture, and education in the twentieth century. Students are introduced to feminist, interdisciplinary, intersectional, and decolonial approaches in uncovering new meanings of spaces and spatial productions. We will use feminist and queer theories to study appropriation, resistance, mobility, and collaboration as acts through which individuals have negotiated personal and professional identities. We will turn to marginalized or inbetween spaces to explore how designers as well as users have shaped the built environment. Students are expected to complete weekly readings prior to meetings, participate in class discussions, and complete all assignments, including group presentations and the final paper on a building, place, person, community, event, or artifact.