Final Examinations & Reviews
Final Examinations & Reviews
Course Syllabi indicate whether or not a course will have a final examination. Students are expected to review and the official regulations and Rules for the Conduct of Examinations found below.
Final examinations are held at the end of each session or sub-session. Students taking courses during the day may be required to write evening examinations, and students taking evening courses may be required to write examinations during the day. Examinations may be held on Saturdays. Students who make personal commitments during the examination period do so at their own risk. No special consideration is given and no special arrangements are made in the event of conflicts resulting from personal commitments.
Students who are unable to write their examinations due to illness, etc., should contact the Office of the Registrar and Student Services.
Students who have Daniels final examinations in the same time slot, or three consecutive final examinations (e.g., morning, afternoon, evening; or afternoon, evening, next morning) should report the conflict to the Daniels Faculty Office of the Registrar and Student Services. Other conflicts with final examinations will not be considered, except under extraordinary circumstances. Professors do not have the discretion to defer a final examination or review.
Students who cannot write a final examination at the scheduled time because of a religious obligation should report this conflict to the Office of the Registrar and Student Services as soon as the conflict is known, and no later than the deadline shown on the Examination Conflicts page.
If you have missed a final examination, you must contact the Office of the Registrar and Student Services immediately.
Students registered with Accessibility Services in the current session who will be writing final examinations through Test and Exam Services, do not need to report conflicts. Students must register with Test and Exam Services no later than the deadline shown on the examination schedule.
Failure to follow any of these rules could result in a formal allegation of academic misconduct. Please see the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters for more information.
Exam Rule Reminder
- Students are not permitted to bring any unauthorized aids into the examination, including electronic devices of ANY kind, unless otherwise stated. This includes CELL PHONES and iPODS. Possession is punishable under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If a candidate has brought a bag (paper, transparent plastic or non-transparent plastic), the following items may be stored inside it under the candidate’s chair (as long as the bag is large enough): cell phone, wallet, laptop computer and any small electronic devices such as calculator.
- Bags, books, pencil cases, and all notes are to be deposited in areas designated by the Chief Presiding Officer and are not to be taken to the examination desk or table. If pencil cases are found on desks, they will be searched.
- Candidates must not communicate with one another in any manner whatsoever during the examination.
- Candidates may not leave the examination room unescorted for any reason, including visiting the washroom.
- All writing must cease at the end of the examination.