Landscape Architecture Topics: Climate Climacteric

LAN3300H S
Instructor: Fadi Masoud
Meeting Section: L0101
Wednesday, 9:00am - 12:00pm

[noun] a critical period or event.
[adjective] having extreme and far-reaching implications or results; critical.

If the climate is at a crisis, a crossroad, a juncture, a critical stage, a decisive point, an acute, key, crucial, decisive, and significant moment – what role can design truly play in dealing with the climate climacteric? This seminar investigates how notions of resilience, adaptation, and mitigation have shaped contemporary discourse around climate-responsive design and urbanism. Structured around three main themes: Terrains, Assemblies, and Codes, this seminar will explore, dissect, and evaluate a selection of high-profile international design competitions, organizations, case studies, and projects that claim agency over “resilient design”. Through a series of lectures, workshops, and group exercises, students will develop a literacy over spatial and tactical strategies of contemporary resilient landscapes, architecture, urbanism and design.

The course will engage with two North American public agencies that are at the forefront of climate resilient design and planning. First, with Waterfront Toronto through its Design Review Panel, and second, with Broward County’s Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department. An *optional* trip to South Florida and Miami to participate in a workshop with policy makers and planners will take place in February.