In the Margins: Annotating the Everyday & Overlooked in our Built Environment

Richard Wentworth, Kings Cross 2007 in Making Do and Getting By
Instructor: Anne-Marie Armstrong
Meeting Section: LEC0101
Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
This seminar will examine the everyday spaces encountered in our built environment that are often overlooked or dismissed as arbitrary, unstudied, anonymous, or contingent. By engaging in practices of careful observation, documentation, and speculation upon these spaces, this course will encourage students to center the diverse needs, challenges, opportunities and identities of communities, and challenge established ‘top-down’ practices in design.
This seminar will support students in developing and uncovering a range of strategies and concepts that can be applied to their own design practices. Seminar sessions will incorporate readings, group discussion, student-led presentations, and assignments that incorporate a written and graphic component.