25.09.19 - Associate Professor Brian Boigon launches his Inner Outer Space Lab
Brian Boigon, an associate professor at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, has just launched a new research lab: the Inner Outer Space Lab.
The IOSlab's research is focused on architecture and quantum dimensional design, with an emphasis on design problems associated with reality, dynamical systems, consciousness, and meta states in metaphysics.
For the past three years, Boigon has been working at the intersection of architecture and science fiction. His project "The Interopera" is based on his research in the locomotive pathway that he refers to as "Framing, Looping and Projecting" (FLP). Boigon will be delivering a lecture on this concept at the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna this fall. And he will continue to teach the design precepts associated with FLP as part of the Daniels Master of Architecture program.
The Inner Outer Space Lab will provide a scalable infrastructure for Boigon to use in developing a broader array of research projects, both with Daniels students and through his advisory board, which includes:
- Barbara Imhof, a preeminent architect of space station design, based in Vienna.
- Elizabeth Diller, founding partner of DSR Architects and a professor at the Princeton School of Architecture.
- Sanford Kwinter, a professor at the Pratt School of Architecture and an honorary professor at the Institute of Architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
- Harry Ruda, the Stanley Meek Chair in Nanotechnology and a professor of applied science and engineering at the University of Toronto, as well as the director of the Centre for Advanced Nanotechnology.
Together with his lab research associates, Boigon will accelerate his projects and offer students a new level of exposure to architecture design and quantum mechanics.
For more information, see www.innerouterspacelab.org, or visit the lab on Instagram or Facebook.