Jane Jacobs

04.04.19 - Brigitte Shim on building a feminisit city and what she learned from Jane Jacobs

In a recent panel discussion that was part of Rotman's Gender and the Economy Speaker Series, Brigitte Shim, Daniels Faculty professor and principle of Shim-Sutcliffe Architects, spoke about creating a more inclusive city.

Titled "What Could a Feminist City Look Like?" the event addressed issues around access and gender equity in the city, exploring branches of public policy, decision making processes, community engagement, and the built form.

In her talk, Shim spoke about the importance of micro urban issues, sharing insight she learned from Jane Jacobs, whom she interviewed her as part of a research project in highschool. Jacobs, she said, encouraged her to understand the city on a micro level:

For me, scale is related to a kind of position about how you see a city and understanding the layers of complexity in being able to dissect them so that you’re aware of the big picture, but you also have to be aware of the micro scale at the same. This dual reading of the scale for me is how all of us, not just architects and planners, but citizens, make a better city…We have to be advocates at the micro scale and also champions at the city-wide scale.