View Recent Changes Online Exhibition Website

16.07.20 - Master of Visual Studies students launch a wiki-based online exhibition

Oscar Alfonso, Simon Fuh, Matt Nish-Lapidus, and Sophia Oppel — all of them current Master of Visual Studies students at the Daniels Faculty — aren't letting this summer's COVID-19 lockdown prevent them from making and displaying art.

The four students, in collaboration with Hearth, a Toronto artist-run space, have just launched "view recent changes," an online art exhibition that borrows the tools and aesthetics of Wikipedia and uses them for radically different purposes. The exhibition is part of Vector Festival 2020, and is presented with financial support from Joe Lobko and Karen Powers, via the Benjamin Hart Lobko Memorial Travel Award.

The students write:

This exhibition presents an assemblage that considers the ways in which the human, digital, linguistic, machinic, vegetal and animal correlate. Hosted as a wiki, a platform that allows for communal contribution, the project's focus on lateral hyperlinking reflects on the possibility of a digital commons. This project considers how to circumvent the individualizing, commodifying qualities of online spaces to explore positive forms of relationality and intimacy.

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