end of year show web banner featuring five images of student work

17.06.21 - Explore thesis projects in the virtual End-of-Year Show

As we celebrate the Class of 2021, the Daniels Faculty invites you to explore the inaugural (virtual) End-of-Year Show. The End-of-Year Show represents a multi-disciplinary collection of student work in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design.

Graduate students, as well as undergraduate students who completed thesis projects, were invited to upload their work and craft their own project pages. Search the show by student name and program, or see a rotating selection of all projects through the home page.

Take me to the End-of-Year Show

The banner image features work from (L-R): 
Jiazhi (Jake) Yin, Landscape Architecture, Advisor: Fadi Masoud
Rishi Tailor, Architecture, Advisor: Adrian Phiffer
Vanessa Wang, Architecture, Advisor: John Shnier
Kurtis Chen, Architecture, Advisors: Mariana Leguia, Angus Laurie
Zainab Wakil, Architectural Studies, Advisor: Jeannie Kim