12.10.17 - Daniels alumni & friends acknowledged at the University of Toronto's Arbor Awards

In September, the University of Toronto held a reception to celebrate alumni and friends receiving Arbor Awards, including Joël León (BArch 2011, MArch 2015), Robert Glover (BArch 1975), Jerome Markson (BArch 1953), and Selma Edelstone.

The Arbor Awards were created in 1989 to recognize volunteers for their outstanding personal service to the University of Toronto. Since then, the University has annually acknowledged those whose loyalty, dedication and generosity have added immeasurably to the quality of the experience for students, faculty, staff and alumni.

Joël León (BArch 2011, MArch 2015)

Joël León is a young alumni volunteer and recent graduate who has remained active in the life of the school as a committed advocate, serving as the Faculty's alumni representative on the College of Electors. He has been especially proactive in developing relationships between the Faculty's academic leadership and the Ontario Association of Architects. On the occasion of the Faculty's 125th anniversary, he worked closely with Assistant Dean, Academic Programs and Outreach, Jeannie Kim and Daniels Faculty staff to mount a highly successful exhibition on the history of the Daniels Faculty.

Jerome Markson (BArch 1953)

Jerome Markson is renowned for his exceptional contributions to the profession of architecture and the cultural life of Toronto. His projects have included the Market Square condominiums, Alexandra Park, and the Civic Centre at Edwards Gardens. Jerome participated in the Faculty's 125th anniversary dialogues, provided information and artifacts for the exhibition, reached out to his peers to engage them in the day's events. Markson has been generous in sharing his personal and professional archives, with an exhibition of his work to be presented at the Daniels Faculty's new home at One Spadina later this academic year. 

Robert Glover (BArch 1975)

Robert Glover has a Bachelor of Architecture and an MBA from the University of Toronto. He is a partner in the Toronto planning and urban design firm of Bousfields Inc. Earlier in his career he was appointed the first Urban Design Director for the newly amalgamated City of Toronto. He has been especially effective in bridging the interests between the development community and the design profession. Glover has been an advocate for the Faculty during its campaign for One Spadina, making introductions to prospective supporters and securing funds for students in the global travel program to visit Bogota.

Selma Edelstone, friend of the Faculty

Selma Edelstone has been a great advocate for the Daniels Faculty during its capital transformation, from the launch of the design at 1 Spadina Crescent to its upcoming official opening. Edelstone led a highly successful fundraising appeal, eliciting donations to support students receiving The John and Myrna Daniels Scholars Award. She has also spearheaded a speaking engagement by Dean Sommer with the 1 Bedford resident Discussion Group. In her advocacy and writing, she has decribed Toronto as one of the greatest cities in North America, citing its financial success, its tolerant multicultural environment, and its high standards of education. 

To view the full list of this year's recipients, visit the Arbor Awards webpage.

Photo, top: Mayta and Jerome Markson at the 2017 Arbor Awards.