13.04.15 - Aggregate named a 2015 Game Changer by Metropolis Magazine

The Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative — a group of 13 historians working together to advance architectural research and education — has been named a 2015 Game Changer by Metropolis Magazine. Members of Aggregate include Assistant Professors Zeynep Çelik Alexander and John J. May.

“Dissolving disciplinary conventions, Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative is preparing the grounds for a new generation of scholars,” reported Metropolis.

At conferences and workshops, and, more recently, on an online publication and discussion platform, the collaborative assembles designers, students, and scholars around common interests. Through cross-disciplinary inquiry and methodological breadth, they’re forcefully animating architectural discourse. By refusing divisive postures and vanguard narratives, they’re also shifting its tenor.

The Daniels Faculty hosted a symposium organized by Çelik Alexander, which brought together Aggregate members along with other scholars in September 2013. Later that fall, the Collaborative launched a website for "the publication, workshopping and discussion of advanced research in architectural history and theory."

For the full article on the Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative’s latest distinction, visit Metropolis Magazine’s website.