Ripple Effect

10.02.19 - Daniels Faculty alumna collaborates on new work at Pulp Art Party 2019

A Daniels Faculty alumna recently collaborated with an local artist to create a unique three-dimensional installation for the Pulp Art Party 2019, as part of Design TO Festival.

Ripple Effect was created by Natalia Bakaeva and Xiao Sunny Li (MArch 2014) The pair describes their work as follows in their artists’ statement:

The art installation is a composition of re-purposed cardboard tubes that create a formation of extruded circles. Each element exists in symbiosis with its surroundings, producing “Ripple Effect”. A structure of 5’x 5’ in size is suspended from space within the opening of the existing skylight, creating a gathering place under it, for viewers to look up and explore generated “landscape”.

This installation is a representation of the module that could be endlessly repeated and serves as a multiplier, another meaning of “Ripple Effect”. Floodlights, likely in a red or purple tone, illuminating it from above will aid the visual impact of the piece.

The cardboard tubes are donated by various entities, such as architectural offices, printing shops, households, etc. They are reused in a new way to create an overhead installation that is hanging on fishing lines which makes it a stand-alone floating object. Fasteners are repurposed from previous artworks.

The Pulp Art Party is an annual event which runs as part of the Design TO Festival. This year the event sought to raise money for Jubilee Designs, a street-involved youth employment and art program at Evergreen Centre at the Yonge Street Mission.