Harbour Market

21.01.18 - Addressing the challenges of designing public space in Europe: Hans Ibelings joins jury for Urban Public Space prize

Daniels Faculty Lecturer and architectural historian and critic Hans Ibelings is a jury member for the Tenth European Prize for Urban Public Space, a biennial award launched in 2000 that aims to “recognize, promote, and publicize examples of good practice in dealing with the many challenges faced by public spaces in European cities.”

From the Prize’s Call for Entries:

The Prize aims to support the open, compact city of universal access, guaranteeing harmonious coexistence among its citizens, a mixture of uses, and sustainable mobility, preserving the historical memory of places, and favouring participation of citizens in projects designing shared spaces.

True to its cause throughout ten awards, the Prize considers all kinds of interventions aimed at creating, recovering or improving the democratic quality of the urban spaces we share and is jointly presented to the authors of the projects and the cities or other promoters of spaces assuring improvement in the lives of citizens.

Registration for the price is now open until February 21, 2018. View the Call for Entries for details about eligibility, other jury members, and the timeline.

In addition to his role as editor and publisher of The Architecture Observer, Ibelings is the author of a number of books, including European Architecture Since 1890, and Supermodernism: Architecture in the Age of Globalization. More recently, Ibelings, together with Alex Josephson, published Rise & Sprawl: The Condominiumization of Toronto.

Image from the European Prize for Urban Public Space page: Harbour Market, Vodice, Croatia, finalist 2016 - "The height of the roof and absence of facades has transformed the market into a civic space which is permeable to activity in the street while doing away with the need for artificial air conditioning."  Photo by: Damir Zizic, 2015