evergreen brickworks

24.03.19 - Megan Torza (MArch 2005) to speak on low cost sustainability

Daniels Faculty Alumna Megan Torza (March 2005) will present the public lecture "Exploring Low Cost Sustainability" on Thursday, March 28 at 6:30pm at the University of Toronto's Faculty Club (41 Willcocks Street).

An architect and partner in the Toronto-based multi-disciplinary design practice DTAH, Torza has a strong personal interest in adaptive re-use and the integration of contemporary, sustainable design with historic urban fabric.

Her talk will share methods to reduce the ecological footprint of a building while also minimizing its complexity and cost. She argues that for projects in the arts, non-profit, and cultural sectors with limited capital and operating funding, creative approaches to energy efficiency can be highly effective not only in achieving environmental and financial sustainability, but also in encouraging lasting social and cultural sustainability through place-making and behavioural change.

Citing DTAH projects such as Evergreen Brick Works, Artscape Wychwood Barns, the Niagara Falls Exchange, and Baker Street Development, Torza's lecture will highlight ways to align sustainability objectives with limited budgets in the context of community-focused revitalization.

Sponsored by Tremco, Torza's lecture is free and open to all. Participants will be eligible for 2 Structured Learning Hours. Part of the B.E.S.T. Lecture Series.

Image of Evergreen Brickworks via DTAH