26.10.15 - Alumni Naiji Jiao, Louis (Yi) Liu and Seven (Xiru) Chen Receive Honourable Mention in HMMD's Casablanca Bombing Rooms Competition

METAS Group, founded by Daniels alumni Naiji Jiao (MArch 2014), Louis (Yi) Liu (MArch 2014) and Seven (Xiru) Chen (MLA 2012), was awarded an honourable mention in the Casablanca Bombing Rooms international competition earlier this month.

Tasked with bringing together the local population for collective gathering, learning, and cultural exchange at the site of the 2003 Casablanca Bombings, the group proposed a community library and permanent art installation commemorating the tragic events of the past.

After winning first prize in TAW's Lost Architecture Competition in 2014, Jiao and Chen teamed up with Liu to establish METAS, a cross-disciplinary design team that centres around product design, architecture, landscape and urban design.

The Casablanca Bombing Roms proposal put forth by METAS engages the community through the power of knowledge and shared experience. Their design encourages reflections of the past while breathing new life into the site.