06.08.15 - Jane Wolff’s lecture for Leading with Landscape Conference now available online

On May 22, Associate Professor Jane Wolff presented a short lecture and led a campus tour as part of the Leading With Landscape Conference. Hosted by The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF), the events surrounding the Leading With Landscape Conference explored the “Second Wave of Modernism” in Toronto.

“It’s such an honor and also such a huge pleasure to get to talk about a place I’ve fallen in love with - my adopted hometown - a city that’s done me the kindest [favor] to adopt me in return,” says Wolff.

“Leading with Landscape brought together a community around the common mission of improving Toronto through landscape,” writes Tim Popa, Communications Director at Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architecture. “And, more broadly, it brought landscape architecture to the forefront of the conversation in city building. The appearance of Mayor Tory and chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat elevated the importance of a strategic, systems-based design approach to the city.”

For more information about TCLF, visit tclf.org
