19.03.15 - Director of Master of Urban Design program Mark Sterling works with Peruvian architects and students to develop strategies for upcoming Lima 2019 PanAm Games

Director of the Master of Urban Design program Mark Sterling was an invited participant at Limapolis 2015, an international urban design workshop, from March 7 to 15, 2015.

The focus of the workshop was the built and social legacy of the Lima 2019 Pan American Games. The week long workshop paired participants from Toronto, Rio di Janiero, Sao Paulo and London with local architects and design faculty and students from the School of Architecture and Urbanism, Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru.

Teams worked on urban design proposals for eight different districts of the City of Lima - identifying design strategies for the improvement of conditions in each of the areas using the accommodation of the Pan Am Games venues as a catalyst.

Mark worked with local architects Rafael Zamorra and Karen Tanako and a group of 30 students to develop a new strategy for re-connecting the city to its beach front.