08.11.12 - David Lieberman publishes a chapter in the book Xenakis Matters

Associate Professor David Lieberman has contributed a chapter to the book Xenakis Matters.

Entitled "The Performity of Space — Architecture as the Production of Sound and Light," his piece is a composite of a series of presentations that were part of two events that took place in New York in 2010: the symposium "Iannis Xenakis: Past, Present, and Future," held at the Brooklyn Experimental Media Center at New York University, and the panel discussion "Architecture as Total Art work: Iannis Xenakis and Le Corbusier," held at Columbia University. Both events explored the work and legacy of composer and engineer Iannis Xenakis in the new world. The panel discussion at Columbia, which Lieberman participated in, can be viewed online here. Professor Lieberman's chapter also includes reference to ongoing research and option studios at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design.

Click here to download a PDF of Professor Lieberman's article.