Ted Kesik's Simulation Field Graphic

11.09.19 - Ted Kesik recognized for his contributions to the building performance simulation field

Professor Ted Kesik was inducted as an Fellow of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) during its the biennial Building Simulation 2019 conference in Rome, Italy this past September.

IBPSA launched their Fellows program in 2010 to recognize individuals who have attained distinction in the field of building performance simulation, through education, research, practice, and/or simulation tool development.

Kesik has contributed to the building performance simulation field since 1983 as a practitioner, researcher, and academic who trains highly qualified personnel. His large body of technical studies, conference, and journal papers has influenced energy efficiency requirements in building codes. His former PhD student, Aylin Ozkan is now teaching building performance simulation courses at the Daniels Faculty in both the undergraduate and graduate programs as a sessional lecturer.