Integrated Urbanism Studio website screenshot

08.02.21 - Take a look at the new Integrated Urbanism Studio website

In the Daniels Faculty's Integrated Urbanism Studio, students from the Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, and Master of Urban Design programs spend a semester working together on shared, large-scale projects.

The studio is one of the most complex in the Daniels Faculty's curriculum and is a staple of its interdisciplinary design pedagogy. Now, it has a web presence to match its importance. The new Integrated Urbanism Studio website launched last semester, and will be the studio’s permanent online home.

The new site, designed under the direction of studio coordinators Fadi Masoud, Michael Piper, and Mason White, is a clearing house of information. “It is a repository of the incredible research and design work produced by over 100 graduate students across 11 teaching sections," Masoud says. "It is our hope that we can continue to build on the rich work presented here year after year."

Visitors to the website can view an interactive map of the city of Toronto, browse through an extensive catalogue of urban precedents, and view project proposals.

In the first week of the studio, students mapped the locations of various social, environmental, demographic, and infrastructural policies as well as a wide list of geospatial conditions. By combining various research and mapping layers, students identified a series of “design action zones” — areas of the city that are especially vulnerable to environmental, economic, and social pressures, and are therefore particularly ripe for design intervention.

These design action zones became sites of urban transformations. Students imagined projects that followed prompts from the international Green New Deal Superstudio to create designs that bring new, equitable, and environmentally sustainable forms of housing, mobility, and social services to their study areas.

All of the studio's final projects from the fall 2020 semester are available for viewing online.

Take me to the Integrated Urbanism Studio website