12.06.17 - Josh Silver reimagines first year architecture studio projects as narratives

First year Masters of Architecture student Josh Silver recently published the second issue of his zine titled Cntrl+Z[ine]. The publication imagines a series of narratives using fellow student work as a starting point.

Writes Silver:

"Architectural images contain accidental moments of narrative: a scale figure, a shadow designed, a moment, a view. The latent narratives can begin to reveal themselves as stories of poems or songs or essays or memories remembered in passing. This publication explores those accidents of representation; the stories of images, the places imagined but remembered nevertheless as real déjà vu."

CNTRL+Z[ine] #2 includes work from Masters of Architecture students Yasmin Al Sammarai, Bobbi Bortolussi, Diana Franco, Avi Odenheimer, Siri Hermanski, Martin Drozdowski, and Jess Misak. The full issue can be viewed on Issuu.

Image, top: Self-portrait by Josh Silver