25.06.18 - #DanielsGrad18: Najia Fatima

Degree: Honours Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies and Visual Studies

What was the most enjoyable or memorable part of your degree?
The most enjoyable part of my undergraduate degree was being able to explore the interdisciplinary intersection between architecture and visual studies and being able to use my education to question the notions of culture and identity in relation to the themes of colonialism, war, and political turmoil.

What advice you would give to a prospective student?
Make sure to take advantage of all the co-curriculars at UofT. Take as many courses outside of your major as you can. Your interests outside your major add a lot of depth in your art and architecture projects. 

How has your understanding of architecture changed over the course of your degree?
Before I started my degree I felt that architectural education was just about making beautiful drawings and endless critiques on form and structure. Once I was here I realized through the instruction of professors like Zeynep Celik, Hans Ibelings, and Jeannie Kim that there’s always a social impact of architecture that manifests itself in the form of occupation, displacement and gentrification which is equally important when we talk about the built environment.

What are your plans after graduation? How has this degree prepared you for the future?
I would like to stay in the interdisciplinary world of arts and architecture as I continue to engage with themes that address the politics of design and how it engages with the society. Being a part of SHIFT magazine has made me realize that the world of publishing is a place where I find a lot of comfort so I’m planning to continue down this path until I’m ready to pursue a master's degree.


Convocation for #UofTDaniels students is on June 14. This month we are featuring our graduates, including their work, their memories, and their advice for new students. Follow #DanielsGrad18 for more!