19.11.13 - Aziza Chaouni is named a TED2014 Fellow
Assistant Professor Aziza Chaouni — a civil engineer and architect who focuses on creating sustainable, built environments in the developing world — has been named a TED 2014 Fellow. TED (which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design), holds two conferences each year, featuring the ever-popular TED Talks, short lectures on "ideas worth spreading."
Chaouni gave a talk for TEDxYouth@Toronto in January 2013 on the importance of safeguarding water in the design of our cities (See the video posted below).
Next year, she will be joining 20 other "trailblazers" in Vancouver for TED2014: The New Chapter.
2014 marks TED’s 30th anniversary, and the theme for TED2014 is simply this: “The Next Chapter.” We’ll be seeking to understand what are truly the most significant developments of the last 30 years ... and applying that knowledge to understand what’s ahead. The theme makes it easy for us to reach out to the world’s greatest minds and challenge them to help shape a program better than any in our history — in an unforgettable custom theater designed for talk.
For more information, visit the TED website.