26.10.20 - Students, faculty, and staff are now required to complete health self-assessments before coming to campus

The University of Toronto announced this week that it will now be requiring students, faculty members, staff, and visitors to complete COVID-19 self-assessments each time they plan to be physically present on a U of T campus, or in a U of T-owned building.

This means that if you're planning to come to the Daniels Building (or any other part of campus) you must complete a self-assessment before you show up, every time.

There are two ways to complete a self-assessment.

The preferred method: Use UCheck, the University of Toronto's online self-assessment tool. UCheck consists of a simple online survey that takes less than five minutes to fill out. After you fill out the survey questions, UCheck generates a personalized risk status ("red," meaning high risk, or "green," meaning low risk). UCheck is not a contact-tracing application, meaning your personal responses to the survey questions are kept private and are not shared with the University or any third parties. If you receive a "red" status through UCheck, you should not come to campus. Stay home, and follow the steps outlined in the University of Toronto's self-assessment FAQ.

The other method: If you're unable to use UCheck, you can also complete a health self-assessment using paper forms created by U of T for this purpose. The forms are available on the UTogether2020 website.

Regardless of which self-assessment method you choose, remember: if you're sick, or if you have reason to believe that you could have been exposed to COVID-19, stay home. Your actions can help keep the entire Daniels Faculty community safe and healthy.

Take me to UCheck now