art museum opening performance

03.09.18 - 7 ways to get involved with the Daniels Faculty

One of the best things about the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design is the sense of community that it fosters among students, faculty, and staff. Looking for ways to become more involved in the life of the school? Recent graduate Josie Harrison (HBA, Architectural Studies 2017) offers 7 ways you can enrich your experience while at Daniels.

1. Attend an exhibition opening

U of T is home to a number of galleries (on top of those that will soon open at One Spadina). The Art Museum on St. George Campus is one the largest gallery spaces for visual art exhibitions and programming in Toronto. Run by Daniels Faculty Associate Professor Barbara Fischer, the Art Museum offers a year-round program of local and international exhibitions — including work from our Visual Studies students in studio or curatorial studies.

2. Contribute to Shift Magazine and The Annual

Shift Magazine and The Annual are two official student-run publications operating out of the Daniels Faculty, and they are always looking for content. Shift Magazine is the undergraduate Architecture and Visual Studies Publication, and just recently launched SHIFT06, which focuses on social issues around art and architecture in Toronto. The Annual is a yearly curated compilation of graduate student work encompassing all years and graduate programs at the Daniels Faculty, and will be officially launching this year’s issue soon. For more information, follow Shift's Facebook and Instagram and The Annual's Instagram.

3. Participate in the Mentorship Program

One of the official programs offered by the Daniels Faculty is the Mentorship Program, geared towards undergraduate Architecture and Visual Studies students. Students can sign up as a mentor or mentee, and will be matched with a partner to participate in scheduled activities such as art gallery visits or ice-skating. For more information, visit

4. Explore opportunities for students across U of T, like the Entrepreneurship Hatchery Program

The University offers many opportunities for students to build their skills and experiences. “I would highly recommend the Entrepreneurship Hatchery Program to anyone who has a chance to do it,” says undergraduate student Isaac Seah. “The Hatchery experience helped me to adopt a more systematic way of thinking, defined my public speaking skills, and exposed me to the business mindset that explores the value of a product. It’s especially effective for architecture students because we are essentially in a service industry: we have to respect our client’s wishes while convincing them to choose the wisest option without too much pressure.”

5. Join student unions, attend their meetings, and go to their events

The Graduate Architecture, Landscape, and Design Students’ Union (GALDSU) and Architecture and Visual Studies Students’ Union (AVSSU) are always looking for ways to connect and engage with the student body. They do this by hosting open meetings and a variety of events over the school year. The best way to find out about how to get involved is to follow their social media accounts (GALDSU's Facebook and Instagram and AVSSU's Facebook and Instagram) — and look out for posters around One Spadina.

6. Come to our public lectures

The Daniels Faculty’s public programming has a tradition of bringing together scholars, professionals, and leaders in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, art, and urbanism. Attending the lectures is a great way to learn more about these fields and how they intersect with each other and other academic interests. For our full schedule of public events, visit

7. Get involved with AALD

Applied Architecture, Landscape, and Design (AALD) is an undergraduate organization providing architecture and design related tutorials and events, free of charge, to undergraduate students. They hold workshops throughout the school year and are always looking for skilled individuals to run workshops. Follow AALD on Facebook to stay up-to-date about events.