22.08.17 - Fadi Masoud co-leads summer workshop at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Assistant Professor Fadi Masoud was invited along with Professor Alan Berger to co-lead an intensive pre-semester workshop at AHO (Oslo’s School of Architecture and Design) from August 14-24th 2017. The 10-day workshop, open to students at AHO and across Europe, is investigating the potential of pioneering ideas around “Resiliency Districting” and “Flux Codes” in the Oslo context.

The workshop identifies different types of coastal urban conditions at high risk of flooding in the Oslo region, such as Post-industrial Brownfields, Developed Fjord Islands, River Valley Edges, and Established Waterfront Districts, in order to then test novel forms of resilient landscape-based urban strategies.

Student teams are working through a process of first, identifying and protecting critical infrastructure, second, creating a thick and redundant soft / hard infrastructure, third, up-zoning high grounds, and, lastly, down-zoning low lying areas through “flux codes”. The work will be collected and disseminated to a broad audiences and stakeholders in the Oslo region.