10.12.19 - Daniels students and faculty make Now Magazine's "Best of 2019" list

As the year (and the decade) draws to a close, the Daniels Faculty is getting a few wins in under the wire. Now Magazine's list of the "best of Toronto's art scene" in 2019 includes a number of mentions of work by people connected to the Master of Visual Studies program.

Associate professor Charles Stankievech, the director of the MVS program, earned a nod for Best Film Program, as a result of his work on The Drowned World, a multimedia marathon at the Ontario Place Cinesphere, which he curated for the Toronto Biennial of Art.

Pegah Vaezi (MVS 2019), a student in the MVS Curatorial Studies program, was the organizer of "What do We Mean When We Say 'Content Moderation?'," which Now deemed 2019's Best Symposium. The event was funded by the Art Museum at the University of Toronto.

And 2019's Best New Art Space is SUGAR Contemporary, a waterfront gallery that is co-directed by Xenia Benivolski (MVS 2021), another Daniels graduate student.