David Sisam & Students

19.02.19 - Awards breakfast recognizes donors who have contributed to students' academic success

A celebration to honour student accomplishments, and to thank those who have contributed to student awards, recently took place on February 13th at the Faculty Club.

Master of Architecture, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Urban Design, and Master of Visual Studies students who received in-course awards and admissions awards were invited to meet the donors who have helped support their academic development. Award donors were able to meet the students who have benefited from their generosity.

Students Sky Ulusoy (1st Year, MArch) and Aaron Hernandez (3rd Year, MLA) spoke on behalf of the student body about the value of their programs and the financial support that they received, which has helped them pursue their academic goals.

“Beside the obvious impact of an award mitigating financial stressors, which is very significant and very much appreciated, in my experience the most profound impact of an award like either of these, is the simple vote of confidence,” said Hernandez in his remarks to donors. “It emboldens you to continue pushing forward in the pursuit of challenging ideas, and problems, and questions, and practices, even if, and perhaps especially if, you don’t know where they are taking you. Which can be a scary process. But, it’s my suspicion that that is where important work often happens.

Dean Richard Sommer also spoke to those assembled, thanking the donors for their ongoing contributions. “Whether they’re pursuing architecture, landscape architecture, urban design or visual studies, the graduate and undergraduate students joining us here this morning have distinguished themselves in various ways through their scholarship and research interests,” said Sommer. “Your generosity in establishing awards is an important means of recognizing the promise, academic excellence, and the sheer talent of our students.”

The Daniels Faculty would like to congratulate those who received awards this year — and express its sincere thanks to those who continue to support students year after year.