19.01.16 - Drawings by alumna Martha Sparrow featured in the Toronto Design Offsite Festival's In Series exhibition

From January 20th to January 24th, work by Martha Sparrow (MArch 2015) will be featured in the In Series exhibition as part of the Toronto Design Offset (TO DO) Festival.

Sparrow's work will be on display at Propeller (30 Abel Street), as well as the In Series satellite show storefront (1082 Queen Street West). Other artists in the exhibition include Victoria Chin, Nina Cho, Dear Human, Zero-Craft Corp. (Mark Dineen and Michael Neville) and Ebitenyefa Baralaye, COUPLE D’IDÉES (Diane Parenteau), Meghan Price, Watson Soule, James Swain, Cathy Terepocki, Tara Lee Towers, and Jill Usher.

From the TO DO Festival website:

In Series is an exhibition that explores the material consequences of repetition. Looking beyond traditional notions of what is unique and mass-produced, it aims to show a range of scales, sizes, mediums, and techniques; the possibilities of repetition affecting change (e.g. transformation, variations, new results); and the subtlety of repetition that can produce something that appears to be the same. It asks what can result from a repeated action, pattern, or process.

The closing reception for the In Series exhibition will take place on January 24th from 3:00pm – 5:00pm.

Sparrow will also be speaking at the TSA Ideas Forum: In Series on January 24th. The PechaKucha-style event provides an opportunity for the artists and designers from the In Series exhibition to speak about their work. Sparrow will share the stage with Assistant Professor Tom Bessai, as well as Robert Cram, Victoria Chin, Paddy Harrington, Meghan Price, James Swain, Tara Lee Towers, and Watson Soule.

For more information, visit the Toronto Design Offsite Festival website.