02.01.18 - The Daniels Building receives a Best of Year award from Interior Design magazine
The Daniels Building received a Best of Year award in the higher education category from Interior Design magazine. Winners of the Best of Year awards were announced in the magazine's December issue:
"Designing a space that will in turn inspire great design. That was the heady task that principals Nader Tehrani and Katherine Faulkner undertook at this undergraduate and postgraduate facility. What they accomplished is a rich mix of old and new, patina and polish."
Designed by Nader Tehrani and Katherine Faulkner, principals of the internationally acclaimed firm NADAAA — in collaboration with Architect-of-record Adamson & Associates, landscape architects Public Work, and heritage architects ERA — the Daniels Building at One Spadina includes dynamic, flexible learning and research environments for faculty and students, and will nurture the next generation of leaders in the field.
Other awards that the Daniels Building has received include:
- The Plan Awards, Honorable Mention (2017)
- CISC Ontario Steel Design Award of Excellence (2017)
- Society of American Registered Architects Silver Award of Honor (2015)
- Acknowledgement Prize Holcim Awards (2014)
- Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design: Green Good Design Award (2014)
- Boston Society of Architects: Unbuilt Architecture Award (2013)