03.01.24 - ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home exhibition reviewed in the Globe and Mail
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home, the exhibition on view in the Architecture and Design Gallery until March 22, 2024, has been reviewed by The Globe and Mail.
The newspaper’s architecture critic, Alex Bozikovic, calls the show, which was organized by and first presented at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal, an “exceptionally rare thing: an Indigenous-led exhibition on architecture.”
Co-curated by Joar Nango (a Norway-based Sámi architect and artist), Taqralik Partridge (Associate Curator, Indigenous Art - Inuit Art Focus, Art Gallery of Ontario), Jocelyn Piirainen (Associate Curator, National Gallery of Canada) and Rafico Ruiz (Associate Director of Research at the CCA), the exhibition showcases installations by Indigenous designers and artists, reflecting on how Arctic Indigenous communities relate to land and create empowered, self-determined spaces of home and belonging.
“The exhibition’s approach to architecture is loose—inevitably so. It explores the expansive ways in which Northern Indigenous people define, and strive for, a sense of home,” Bozikovic notes. He adds that “expansive ideas about place spill through the exhibition, in which the artists pose some broad questions about domesticity. That idea is inevitably complex for individuals and peoples whose homes and lives have been profoundly disrupted by the rippling effects of colonization.”
Read the full review in The Globe and Mail or view the print version here.
Banner image: Harry Choi Photography