12.06.18 - #DanielsGrad18: Olivia Tjiawi

Degree: Honours, Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Studies & Visual Studies

What was the most enjoyable or memorable part of your degree?
Visual studies studios and moments shared with friends.

Image, above: the only thing i know | Out of frustration with the circumstances that have contributed to my unfamiliarity with Chinese writing, I impulsively and obsessively fill a 4-yard length of white synthetic silk, fervently claiming the only thing I know how to write: my name.

What advice you would give to a new student?
Pour your love and effort into the things you make; really try to embrace everything you do.

Image, above: the whirlpool | I am weighed down; the whirlpool will consume me.

How has your understanding of architecture changed over the course of your degree?
I have learned that you can be more than an architect with an architecture degree.

Image, above: us | A depiction of the relationship I have with one of the shadows I have encountered.

What are your plans after graduation? How has this degree prepared you for the future?
I am looking forward to finding design and art-related work. The degree has shown me how flexible my creativity can be.

Image, above: aeh khee | White paper chrysanthemums, used as funerary flowers in Chinese communities, act as stand-ins for the bodies of the Chinese-Indonesians slaughtered during the mass killings of 1965-1966. My work seeks to dignify the hundreds of thousands lost and to serve as a reminder of the importance of reconciliation.

Illustration in slideshow, top:
uggggggggh | A self-portrait on one of my low days.


Convocation for #UofTDaniels students was on June 14. This month we are featuring our graduates, including their work, their memories, and their advice for new students. Follow #DanielsGrad18 for more!