12.06.18 - #DanielsGrad18: Zhiyu Liu

What inspired your thesis topic?
My thesis project is about waterway renovation. During my one year experience in the Netherlands working as a landscape designer, I realized how powerful and colourful an advanced ecological waterway project could be and how it can bring change to our daily lives. I decided to do one for Canada as my thesis project when I came back to school.

Tell us more about your thesis!
The Lachine Canal is a 14km long manmade waterway created to support Canada's industrial expansion. Industrial and residential neighborhoods grew around the canals as the City of Montreal densified.  The canal closed in 1970 when the design of modern ships allowed direct navigation through nearby rapids, leaving the canal with declining industries and contaminated waters.

As the population of Montreal continues to grow, the pressure for housing and public space in the area is increasing.  Through the ecological restoration of the waterway and the strategic development of the land at its edges, this thesis looks to reestablish the Lachine Canal as a vital place in the heart of Montreal.

What are your plans after graduation?
I would like to stay in Canada to work as landscape designer for a few years, to continue train myself in this profession and in the future explore more of landscape design opportunities around the world.


Convocation for #UofTDaniels students is on June 14. This month we are featuring our graduates, including their work, their memories, and their advice for new students. Follow #DanielsGrad18 for more!