05.06.18 - #DanielsGrad18: Sky Ece Ulusoy
Degree: Honours Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Design and Visual Studies
What advice you would give to a new student?
One thing I wish I could change in my university experience is that I wish I started spending time in studio earlier. At Daniels we constantly exposed to such great and inpiring artists and designers that at the end of the day it really motivates you to become a better artist. My only advice to new students is to spend more time in studio and become a part of the studio culture, you will definitely benefit from it!

How has your understanding of architecture changed over the course of your degree?
I never wanted to be an architect. It was never my dream. Growing up, I changed my mind about what I wanted to be every couple of months—I wanted to be a sergeant, then a teacher, then a volleyball player, and the list keeps going. Because I didn’t necessarily want to study architecture, I hated my first year, but then I met a professor who gave me an even harder time and pushed me to work harder; he showed me what my actual potential was and he made me fall in love with architecture. Working late nights in the studio and engaging with other students, I didn’t just fall in love with architecture but with the studio culture as well. Everyone helps and gives feedback on one another’s designs for further improvement. Each project I worked on became a part of me and I worked on it for hours and hours. For the first time in my life I knew what I wanted to be and how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. I never wanted to be an architect, never planned on being one, but I know for sure that’s what I am meant to be.

What are your plans after graduation? How has this degree prepared you for the future?
I decided that I want to continue studying architecture and I will start my MArch degree at the Daniels Faculty in September. Eventually I would like to be that one professor who makes students not just like architecture but fall in love with it.

Convocation for #UofTDaniels students is on June 14. This month we are featuring our graduates, including their work, their memories, and their advice for new students. Follow #DanielsGrad18 for more!