06.06.17 - Mitchell Akiyama explores efforts to capture the sound of Canada in CANADALAND podcast
What does Canada sound like? Is it possible to capture the essence of an entire nation through sound?
Mitchell Akiyama tackled this topic in a recent CANADALAND podcast that revisited a 1974 CBC broadcast made up of field recordings from across the country. The 10-hour episode, which aired on Ideas, attempted to encapsulate the country's acoustic environment.
An Assistant Professor who teaches in the Daniels Faculty’s Visual Studies programs, Akiyama’s eclectic body of work includes writings about plants, animals, cities, and sound art; scores for film and dance; and objects and installations that trouble received ideas about history, perception, and sensory experience. He is currently a SSRHC Postdoctoral Fellow at York University’s Sensorium Centre for Digital Arts & Technology.
The full episode, “That Time the CBC Aired 10 Hours of Crickets and Church Bells,” is available through CANADALAND’s website.