03.09.19 - Meet some of 2019's Daniels Faculty first-year students

During this week's orientation festivities, incoming first-year students will take the initial steps towards their undergraduate degrees at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. We asked a few of them what attracted them to One Spadina — and what they're hoping to do next.

Erma Alvares

From: Goa, India
Program: Architecture

"I wanted to come to Toronto because it's one of the most peaceful cities to live in. I really like that about it. It's a city, but it's safer than other places. One reason I chose architecture is that my mom's an artist and my dad's an engineer. At my house back home, they both put in their ideas. My dad would do the technical side and my mom would design. I really liked the idea of that combination. I wanted to continue it."


Audrey Ammann

From: New Hampshire, USA
Program: Visual Studies

"I decided to come to Toronto because Canada's awesome, first of all. I really like how Canada does things, government-wise. And a lot of my family is from Canada. I'm so excited to visit Kensington Market, because of all the cool shops. I've never lived in a building higher than three floors. Now I'm on the 21st floor and I have an amazing view.

"All my life, I've really been interested in art, but I've also always had an affinity for math and science. And I felt like this program specifically was just the perfect blend of that. I'm looking forward to honing my skills. My long-term plan is to go to graduate school for engineering and then integrate art and maybe do amusement park stuff or design for Disney. This is my first step in that process."


Abdulrahman Syed

From: Mississauga, Ontario
Program: Architecture

"I like designing stuff, and I've always had an interest in building — especially really tall skyscrapers. There are so many unique designs out there. I want to do something really cool like that, where people look at it and go, 'Oh my God. I would never have thought of that.' I'm hoping to make a few friends, join some clubs — not be just someone who studies the entire time. But that depends on how much schoolwork I have to put in."


Ricardo Lima

From: Toronto, Ontario
Program: Architecture

"I always liked designing things. I'm very hands-on. I also have an artistic background, so I thought architecture was the perfect mix of the two of them. And U of T was number one on my list. I look forward to building models, because that's what I like the most. I like being able to design something on the computer or by hand and then bring it to life."


Billy Aningalan

From: Toronto, Ontario
Program: Architecture

"I came here for the orientation and the tour and I really liked the building and the fact that it was so central. I felt like architecture would be a good way to go, in terms of trying to start something — trying to find a career that's really viable. I like the fact that I know where I can go from here."


Gabrielle Urquhart

From: Strathroy, Ontario
Program: Architecture

"I'm looking forward to just experiencing Toronto, being in the big city and meeting lots of new people. I really like design, and I love the history of architecture."


Frank Qu

From: Mississauga, Ontario
Program: Architecture

"I took art lessons starting when I was six years old. And my math grades were pretty good. All my interests combined into an interest in architecture. There's a quote by Steve Jobs I try to live by. He said the greatest form of complexity is simplicity. In addition to how something was made, I try to appreciate its visual aesthetic."