Petros Babasikas

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
T 416-946-0642

Petros Babasikas is an architect and educator. His design work and research build architecture and public space against the climate crisis. His teaching and curricular projects explore the intersection of design with the liberal arts, global leadership and community engagement. He is Director of the Honours Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies program at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. He is also the founder of Babasikas Office, based in Athens and Toronto.

Some of his recent projects include the Archipelago Thesis Studio, exploring emergency architectures, activism, resilience and shelter in global peripheries; ATHENS 2030, centred around blue/green infrastructures and DIY urbanisms for the historic centre of Athens; and the Aegean Marine Life Sanctuary on the island of Leipsoi. Additionally, he has worked on the Kapnergati Square Area & Park in Kavala, Greece. developed the multimedia installations Rock, Drip and Oneiroi, participated in the collective storytelling project Depression Era, and organized the public space and infrastructure walks/talks 6Place Toronto.  He is currently designing low-footprint houses in Greece and Canada and a series of adaptive reuse interventions for EMST, the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Athens.

Babasikas has taught architecture and urbanism at the University of Patras in Greece. He is an associate member of IADAS and vice-chair of UWC Greece. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Comparative Literature from Columbia University and a Master of Architecture from Princeton University.

Petros Babasikas