Sally Krigstin
Assistant Professor
MFC Program Coordinator
T 416-946-8507
Dr. Krigstin’s research interests are focused on value-added applications for wood and biomass materials as well as by-product streams from related processing industries. Being practical and focused, this research tends to resolve industrial issues in the forest and pulp and paper industry. Dr. Krigstin has spent many years working in the pulp and paper industry and uses her practical knowledge to bring feasible solutions to challenges facing one of Canada’s main manufacturing sectors.
Her current research is on bioenergy centres around characterization of biomass during the natural degradation occurring over the storage phase in the bioenergy supply chain. Developing optimal storage guidelines for uniform and well characterized material is key to successful utilization in combustion applications. Modelling of GHG emissions and quality changes are outcomes of the research. Dr. Krigstin works in partnership with industry organizations such as FPInnovations, Canmet, PAMI, CSA, and NRCAN to bring real solutions for utilization of biomass as sustainable energy and bio-chemical resource.