Matthew Spremulli
Sessional Lecturer
Matthew Spremulli is an AEC industry engagement manager at Autodesk Research Technology Centres. He received his Masters in Architecture focusing on digital media, fabrication, and urban and landscape design. He has received various awards, including a Special Mention from the Società di Cultura La Biennale di Venezia (with Lateral Office) and the Frank Lloyd Wright Fellowship from the University of Toronto. Professionally, Matthew has pursued experimental and research-based activities within architectural design, focusing on the intersection of interactive technologies, urban and landscape design, fabrication, and visual communication. Matthew has extensive experience in design research, experimental practice, and education. He has led numerous award-winning design projects and high-profile public exhibitions. He was a co-director of the “Arctic Adaptations: Nunavut at 15” project representing Canada at the 2014 Venice Architectural Biennale. He was lead research-designer on the “Future of Suburbia” with MIT's Center for Advanced Urbanism, for their 2016 Research Biennale. And most recently he was research coordinator for the Living Architecture Systems Group, forging collaborations between designers, researchers, and industry leaders on experimental architectures. Matthew has taught and lectured on digital media and design at several universities. At the Daniels Faculty, he explores experimental applications of digital media in landscape architecture, focusing on simulation, animation, generative design, and hybrid forms of visual media.