Selected Topics in Advanced Computer Applications: Building Information Modeling

ARC3200H F
Instructor: Salman Khalili-Araghi
Meeting Section: L0101
Thursday, 3:00pm - 6:00pm

This course introduces students with Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a process of generation and management of digital representation in the building industry. The result of BIM models become a shared outcome to support decision-making about a building, where the information can be extracted and exchanged between team members from an earlier of the design process, through construction documentation, fabrication, analysis and facility management. It is intended to explore BIM and its supporting technologies as an emerging process to design better buildings, deal with a complex workflow, and create effective collaboration for the entire team. The objective of the course is to teach students the essential concepts and techniques associated with BIM. Through theoretical and practical explorations students will learn about the implications of BIM that is currently used in the building industry. This course will have both the seminar and the workshop format, where students will learn about practical skills in using Autodesk Revit and acquire knowledge about related software which are widely used in the industry. Students will develop their BIM models of earlier their design projects plus additional BIM-related information associated to other aspects of design and construction process (e.g. parametric modeling, fabrication, analysis), and address issues that should emerge out of their practice.